Greatest Gift and Values
Its seems that my son always reward me with his best smiles, plant lots of kisses on my cheek and my growing belly (trying to kiss my baby in my womb) and gives lots of hugs more than any other people that he knew. Not even his daddy can match this much affection that he showered to mommy. I really like his way of showing his appreciation to me. But he does not show that much of affection to other people and he is sure is a very shy kid. Sometimes I wonder when he grows up, will he still show his appreciation as much as he is doing right now. So far, I find this the greatest gift that I mother could receive. Everyday could be Mother's Day when he just like to smile and kiss me. No amount of money in this world can replace such feelings.
I am also trying to instill in him the feeling of empathy. Although he is still very much a small toddler, I still think that kids nowadays lack of such value. I tell him not to hurt animals, gives lots of love to animals, be compassionate to people or animals that suffer and others. I guess he must have learn something from my lectures..... the other day, my thumb was hurt and bleed. I told him not to hold my thumb and tell him mommy was in pain. He quickly blow my thumb and kiss my thumb as if kissing my pain away. How touched, I was at that time. He did also show such affection when he sees me in pain or what-so-ever. I hope that I can continue to educate him such values. Later, I also would like to educate him on money values so that he can understand that money does not grow on trees. I believe financial education should start at an early stage to instill a prudent practise in the future.
I am also trying to instill in him the feeling of empathy. Although he is still very much a small toddler, I still think that kids nowadays lack of such value. I tell him not to hurt animals, gives lots of love to animals, be compassionate to people or animals that suffer and others. I guess he must have learn something from my lectures..... the other day, my thumb was hurt and bleed. I told him not to hold my thumb and tell him mommy was in pain. He quickly blow my thumb and kiss my thumb as if kissing my pain away. How touched, I was at that time. He did also show such affection when he sees me in pain or what-so-ever. I hope that I can continue to educate him such values. Later, I also would like to educate him on money values so that he can understand that money does not grow on trees. I believe financial education should start at an early stage to instill a prudent practise in the future.
Hello there! Saw your url at mymomsbest. Just dropping by here to say Hello and Welcome to the World of Blogging and a whole new network of mums and dads and others too. Its a very exciting network to share proud moments about our babies. Hehe. Cheers!
Mumsgather, at 9:49 AM
Hi there, you are the first person to drop a comment! Gee thank you very much!! I am so happy!!! Anyway, sometimes I do visit your blog and I do find it interesting! I think I will visit your blog more often and lets share more!
alexis, at 12:21 PM
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