Happy family
I can proudly say that I have a happy family. I am blessed with a good husband, a cute toddler who likes to give me hugs and kisses and currently being pregnant again. My husband is neither the romantic type nor occasionally spring surprises on me, but he works hard for a living and does not have any bad habits. He is the quite type and likes to stay at home except for some drinks with friends. He does not gamble or smokes either. He likes to play with my son and likes to buy gifts for him. He willingly washes all my breast pump and baby bottles when I was still breastfeeding my son. He does not mind to be my driver whenever I wish to go anywhere as I do not drive. He gives me all the freedom that I need and supports me in all way.
As for my son, he is the cutest toddler I ever see with big eyes and a smile that could melt your heart. His world consist of “Mommy” only as he always prefer me to anybody else when eat, sleep, change diaper, sitting arrangement and others. He has a good heart too, as he shows empathy to babies and animals. He likes to kiss my tummy and put some toys on my tummy to show affection to his new sibling. Although he has his naughty side and stubborn, but which kid is not, right? One thing for sure is he is a shy kid. He is timid in front of adult strangers but quicker to join the crowd if the crowd is kids. His speech department is slow but I understand boys are slower in this area than girls. Everyday I would converse and talk to him so that he can build up his vocabulary. He understands what I say, but he just does not talk much, just like his dad. Nowadays, I have heard him say at least a new word and I am happy with him.
So far I am in my seventh month of my pregnancy. I can say it is a smooth pregnancy although with some morning sickness in the beginning. But I am lucky as I do not have other complications that could disturb the progress of pregnancy. My gynae said this baby will weigh heavier than my previous one. As long as my baby is healthy, I am happy. I am looking forward for the birth of this bundle of joy so that this family will be much merrier. One thing in common for my son, baby and I is that the three of us share the same birthday month. My hubby is so happy as he said that he will only buy one birthday cake for us to share.
I could not ask for more as this family is happy and I am satisfied. Although we are not rich, but we can do with what we have. I hope we can stay happy and satisfied until as long as possible. I wish everyone out there happiness and healthy.
As for my son, he is the cutest toddler I ever see with big eyes and a smile that could melt your heart. His world consist of “Mommy” only as he always prefer me to anybody else when eat, sleep, change diaper, sitting arrangement and others. He has a good heart too, as he shows empathy to babies and animals. He likes to kiss my tummy and put some toys on my tummy to show affection to his new sibling. Although he has his naughty side and stubborn, but which kid is not, right? One thing for sure is he is a shy kid. He is timid in front of adult strangers but quicker to join the crowd if the crowd is kids. His speech department is slow but I understand boys are slower in this area than girls. Everyday I would converse and talk to him so that he can build up his vocabulary. He understands what I say, but he just does not talk much, just like his dad. Nowadays, I have heard him say at least a new word and I am happy with him.
So far I am in my seventh month of my pregnancy. I can say it is a smooth pregnancy although with some morning sickness in the beginning. But I am lucky as I do not have other complications that could disturb the progress of pregnancy. My gynae said this baby will weigh heavier than my previous one. As long as my baby is healthy, I am happy. I am looking forward for the birth of this bundle of joy so that this family will be much merrier. One thing in common for my son, baby and I is that the three of us share the same birthday month. My hubby is so happy as he said that he will only buy one birthday cake for us to share.
I could not ask for more as this family is happy and I am satisfied. Although we are not rich, but we can do with what we have. I hope we can stay happy and satisfied until as long as possible. I wish everyone out there happiness and healthy.
Such a lovey dovey post....I like lovey dovey stories!
Congrats with your 2nd pregnancy.
Montessorimum, at 4:12 PM
Thanks Elaine, I just wanted to share how fortunate I am and remind myself that I should be contented with myself with what I have. :)
alexis, at 4:39 PM
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